PNG DataCo Limited has launched COVID 19 PNG which went LIVE on Friday 7th May 2021 at its headquarters in Port Moresby through a Virtual Launch.
When launching the website, PNG DataCo Chief Executive Officer, Paul Komboi said the COVID-19 PNG website is an initiative of PNG DataCo, the State-owned Enterprise, and wholesale only ICT services to the ICT sector of Papua New Guinea. This website aims to present statistics of COVID-19 in PNG and globally and create awareness for the people of Papua New Guinea regarding the spread of the pandemic.

“As part of its social responsibility in ensuring we provide a platform for Papua New Guineans to access the right information and also curb misinformation at this critical state of the pandemic, also it is a tool in fighting misinformation about the pandemic as it affects our country,” Mr. Komboi said.
“This website will act as an integrated information platform linking all existing COVID-19 information platforms in PNG and globally at one stop,” he added.
Mr. Komboi said the website is an intervention project with little or no cost and will be made available on all social media and mainstream media platforms and is user-friendly.
With approval from the National Controller for COVID-19 David Manning and under strict observations of the pandemic protocols, the website is being launched today.
“We are thankful for the significant partnerships we have with our stakeholders; INDTechLabs, WHO, PNG Health Department and the National Controller’s office in making sure this tool serves its purpose for the good of all Papua New Guineans as we continue to strategize and provide awareness control measures to combat the further spread of this dreadful pandemic and promote the new normal.
We acknowledge our partners; The Pandemic Controller David Manning and his office, Department of Health, Department of Information and Communication Technology, World Health Organization-PNG and the media for their continuous support.
“At PNG DataCo Limited, we are being made aware of the COVID-19 protocols and we strictly adhere to them as we continue to provide faster internet and stable connectivity during this time of the pandemic and promote the new normal.”