DataCo has an approved 15-year Digital Infrastructure Investment Plan that includes providing wholesaleGPON access services to up to 500,000 premises by 2038 (s ...
We are here to drive connectivity and digital solutions in Papua New Guinea.
Yes, You’ll Be Covered!
We guarantee high-quality customer support service with high-speed connectivity all over the Papua New Guinea. PNG DataCo Limited is a state owned entity, created in 2014 to provide wholesale services to the Information and Communication Industry, mandated to build, own and operate the National Transmission Network (NTN).
the magic of connectivityacross the country
Company trustworthiness and service reliability are our main principles for consumer loyalty. We are working hard to ensure quality and seamless network experience for customers.
the magic of connectivityacross the country
Company trustworthiness and service reliability are our main principles for consumer loyalty. We are working hard to ensure quality and seamless network experience for customers.
Our Services

DataCo News
Tender No.3/2024 Request For Proposal to deploy GPON System in Port Moresby, Lae, Kopopo and Mt Hagen
Tender No. 2/2024 Request For Quotation to undertake an Audit of Power Infrastructure at DataCo Cable Landing Stations and Common
Big Cloud Event
PCRIC Forges New Policy Deal with State-Owned Enterprise in Papua New Guinea
The Papua New Guinea National Transmission Network is the nation’s critical telecommunicationinfrastructure including the submarine cables which terminate at ...
The Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Company (PCRIC) and PNG DataCo have today signed an innovative parametric insurance policy to provide rapid payouts following earthquakes expected to result in damage to the submarine fibre optic cable network surrounding Papua New Guinea (PNG).
Instructions to Bidders· Interested bidders must make email enquire at procurement@pngdataco.c ...
PNG DataCo Limited CEO, Paul Komboi, GCL, OBE, delivers an insightful presentation on Papua New Guinea’s communications infrastructure and the future of connectivity in the region at the Innovation PNG 2023, held at APEC Haus, Port Moresby on 10 November 2023.
Member Of
DataCo is a member of the International Cable Protection Committee, Pacific Telecommunications Council, and South Pacific Marine Maintenance Agreement (SPMMA) with TE SubCom
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