Hon. Sam Basil

We join the Nation as we mourn the loss of this Great and Charismatic Leader Late Hon. Sam Basil.

The Board, Management and Staff of PNGDataCo wish to convey our deepest heartfelt condolences to the people of Bulolo District, the immediate family and relatives of the Late Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Transport and Infrastructure and Member for Bulolo Hon. Sam Basil.

We join the Nation as we mourn the loss of this Great and Charismatic Leader. He was unique in his character hence exemplifies his leadership yet humble for his people.

“The eternal God is your refuge, and his everlasting arms are under you”
Deuteronomy 33:27


Public Notice : Network Intermittence in and around Lae

PNG DataCo Limited would like to inform our valued Customers in Lae that our OPGW network between Yonki and Lae is experiencing intermittent failures since Sunday 03rd April due to a Transmission Equipment Fault. This intermittent fault, unfortunately, has a direct impact on Internet connectivity delivered to our customers in Lae.

We are committed, and our Engineers and partners are doing everything in their capacity to restore services to these areas in the short time possible. We apologise for the inconvenience caused and advise that our Engineers are now onsite and attending to the issue and are doing everything in their capacity to restore services to these areas in the short time possible. DataCo customers should receive updates from the DataCo Network Operations Centre (NOC) or from your Account Manager up to full restoration.

Please do not hesitate to contact DataCo NOC on noc@pngdataco.com and ph: +675 313 3900 / 326 1119 for further updates on the restoration.

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Major Fibre Break In Chuave Affecting Customers In Simbu, Jiwaka, Western Highlands, Enga And Parts Of Southern Highlands Provinces

PNG DataCo fibre transmission links have suffered a major outage due sabotage of Power Pylon in Chuave, Simbu Province. The break was due to a pine tree that was cut that fell on the transmission lines that collapsed one of the PNG Power transmission pylons which snapped the Fibre optic cables.

The DataCo Engineers and contractors together with PPL Team are on the fibre break site attending to the restoration of this fibre break to restore services to the affected customers in Simbu, Jiwaka, Western Highlands, Enga and parts of Southern highlands provinces.

Running a fibre based transmission network across provinces in a difficult and challenging landscape like the Highlands of PNG is no easy job. Managing customer expectations on SLA and coping with all customer frustrations comes with that difficult job. But we are committed, and our Engineers and partners are doing everything in their capacity to restore services to these areas in the short time possible.

The PNG DataCo network is also facing multiple network outages in Daru,  Lae (due to sabotage in Mutzin), Lorengau (due to long power outages and short supply of fuel), Alotau (Panned outage due to the repair of the KSCN Express link between Port Moresby and Madang) and Vanimo.

We apologise for the  inconvenience caused but we are committed, and our Engineers and partners are doing everything in their capacity to restore services to these areas in the short time possible.

DataCo customers should receive updates from the DataCo Network Operations Centre (NOC) or from your Account Manager.
For any further information, Please Call +675 313 3900



PNG DataCo Limited today announced huge price reduction for metro fiber connectivity services. The price reduction starts this month on 15th November 2021.
Announced by PNG DataCo Limited CEO Mr. Paul Komboi, the Point to Point (P2P) Metro fiber services price reduction is market driven especially where more and more customers are requiring data services delivered to customers’ premises on Fiber. The reduced price is aimed at providing secure, reliable and high-quality connectivity within metropolitan areas in the country and where fiber services is available. This is a transmission link connecting one Branch office to another or a Data Center/Recovery Site, Pop.

The unit price per month for the lower capacities will now be reduced from K145 Mbps per Month to K50.00 per Mbps (Megabits per seconds). This is 66 per cent reduction in the wholesale price.

PNG DataCo CEO, Mr. Paul Komboi said “We are a wholesale service provider and so we hope that this huge price reduction will benefit the market to enjoy cost effective, secure and reliable connectivity over fiber optic technology through our retail customers. The end-users need to directly enjoy the benefits of this price reduction passed on to them by their retail service providers and we want to see this being passed down to them.”

“We are promoting growth and advocating for huge price reductions offered to retailers who need to pass some of that benefit to their customers.” Since the end of year 2019, we have reduced the internet pricing by over 50 per cent and we are seeing the growth in usage of the internet across the country. We believe that with the price reduction in the metro fiber connectivity, this should resolve the issue of ISP depending on wireless systems and start serving their customers with the high-quality and affordable fiber technology services. We expect to see increasing uptake in the internet data usage as we allow retail service providers to now be able to provide end to end fiber services to their customer premises and even to residents in the public in various suburbs in the urban and district areas where there is fibre connectivity.”
PNG DataCo Limited is confident that using fiber is more secure and of high-quality compared to other transmission mediums like wireless solutions within the metro areas. Using wireless links increases the risk of frequency interference and potential risks of intrusion and hacking. With the P2P Metro Service on Fiber Optic, we can assure the direct and indirect end users of definite cost savings, more reliable, less risky, and faster and quality connectivity.

“Our product has existed but not at a much more reduced price like today. We are encouraging end users to get connected and enjoy fiber speed.” PNG DataCo Limited is determined to achieve our objectives of our Government in ensuring that the best digital technology is available to the ordinary people of PNG with the most affordable pricing and we will continue to pursue this objective.”

Authorized by
Paul Komboi, OBE
Chief Executive Officer of PNG DataCo Limited


PNG DataCo Limited is being awarded Certificate of Conformity; ISO 9001:2015 by the Australia Business Council.

PNG DataCo Limited is being awarded Certificate of Conformity; ISO 9001:2015 by the Australia Business Council. The certification is PNG DataCo Limited ISO 9001:2O15 PRJN 197963. ISO 9001 :2015 is the world’s most recognized Quality Management System (QSM) standard aimed at assisting organizations meet the needs their customers and stakeholders more effectively.

The certification is a sign of a reputable quality management and is an insurance of PNG DataCo Limited’s competitive ability both on local and international markets.
PNG DataCo Limited CEO Paul Komboi said PNG DataCo Limited values the certificate of conformity and is committed to quality and furthermore committed its customers. “With an effective Quality Management System in place, PNG DataCo Limited will continue to create more value for the company and its clients by means of a more effective assurance process,” CEO Komboi said.

“This is a proof that locally and internationally that customer satisfaction is the core of our business.” PNG DataCo Limited is proud and is satisfied that through the benefits of a quality management system, the institutions continue to improve credibility, customer satisfaction, industry best practices, greater employment engagement, a systematic approach to identified opportunities to improve and better supplier relationships among others. PNG DataCo Limited is committed to provide a better ICT experience through its current fiber optic cable network and upcoming cloud digital platform.


PNG DataCo Launches COVID-19 PNG Website

PNG DataCo Limited has launched COVID 19 PNG Website_www.covid19png.com which went LIVE on Friday 7th May 2021 at its headquarters in Port Moresby through a Virtual Launch.

When launching the website, PNG DataCo Chief Executive Officer, Paul Komboi said the COVID-19 PNG website is an initiative of PNG DataCo, the State-owned Enterprise, and wholesale only ICT services to the ICT sector of Papua New Guinea. This website aims to present statistics of COVID-19 in PNG and globally and create awareness for the people of Papua New Guinea regarding the spread of the pandemic.


“As part of its social responsibility in ensuring we provide a platform for Papua New Guineans to access the right information and also curb misinformation at this critical state of the pandemic, also it is a tool in fighting misinformation about the pandemic as it affects our country,” Mr. Komboi said.

“This website will act as an integrated information platform linking all existing COVID-19 information platforms in PNG and globally at one stop,” he added.

Mr. Komboi said the website is an intervention project with little or no cost and will be made available on all social media and mainstream media platforms and is user-friendly.

With approval from the National Controller for COVID-19 David Manning and under strict observations of the pandemic protocols, the website is being launched today.

“We are thankful for the significant partnerships we have with our stakeholders; INDTechLabs, WHO, PNG Health Department and the National Controller’s office in making sure this tool serves its purpose for the good of all Papua New Guineans as we continue to strategize and provide awareness control measures to combat the further spread of this dreadful pandemic and promote the new normal.

We acknowledge our partners; The Pandemic Controller David Manning and his office, Department of Health, Department of Information and Communication Technology, World Health Organization-PNG and the media for their continuous support.

“At PNG DataCo Limited, we are being made aware of the COVID-19 protocols and we strictly adhere to them as we continue to provide faster internet and stable connectivity during this time of the pandemic and promote the new normal.”