Tender No. 2/2024 Request For Quotation to undertake an Audit of Power Infrastructure at DataCo Cable Landing Stations and Common Points of Interconnect.

The Papua New Guinea National Transmission Network is the nation’s critical telecommunication
infrastructure including the submarine cables which terminate at 14 Cable Landing stations in the costal
and maritime provinces whilst the terrestrial fibre cables connect 11 major Communication Points of
Interconnect in the Highlands Region. These facilities are critical to the operation and availability of the
National Transmission Network. DataCo is now seeking proposals from highly qualified industry experts to
undertake a Power System Audit on those stations and recommend solutions for improvement.

• Inspect all listed sites in collaboration with DataCo Technical Team.
• Provide recommendations on mid-term and long-term power system sustainability
The ongoing reliability concerns on the main power supply grid has impacted network
operations in these key sites therefore DataCo is seeking the service of an experienced and
suitable organisation to audit its existing power infrastructures and provide
recommendations to improve them to become more efficient, sustainable and
environmentally friendly.

Project ID: P000032

Project Name: Power System Audit at DataCo CLSs and CPIs

Pre-bid Activities

All Interested Bidders must agree to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with DataCo to receive the RFQ

Official email correspondences are recommended for you to receive the NDA

Meetings maybe arranged online only should a bidder require further information or clarification

RFQ Timeline

NDA Release – 15th July

NDA Close – 09th August

RFQ Release – 09th August

RFQ Close – 30th August

Supplier Interviews – 30th August to 20th September

Selection – 20th September to 30th September 

All bids should be addressed to:

The Chief Executive Officer
PNG DataCo Limited
P.O Box 1744, Port Moresby, National Capital
District, 121
Papua New Guinea


All bids should be emailed:

To: procurement@pngdataco.com
cc: ewiri@pngdataco.com


Contact Person:

Elvis Wiri
Manager Projects
Phone: 3133900/ Ext: 919
Email: ewiri@pngdataco.com

  • Interested bidders must make email enquire at procurement@pngdataco.com, clearly stating the
    project ID number and its title to initiate an NDA process.
  • Once an NDA have been signed within the 20 days availability period, you should receive the RFQ
    and information on the current power infrastructure.
  • Within the 20 days availability period of NDA, you have expressed your interest but have not signed
    an NDA, you won’t be eligible to bid or will not be given the RFQ.
  • All bidders must provide copies of their company profile, certificate of incorporation, proof of TAX
    compliance, workers insurance certificate, and other necessary supporting documents
APPROVED BY MANAGEMENT Paul Komboi, GCL, OBE Chief Executive Officer

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Tender Notice

TENDER NOTICE: PNG DataCo Invites Written Bids for Projects (000030 and 000005)

Tender Notice 1

Instructions to Bidders

·         Interested bidders must make email enquire at procurement@pngdataco.com, clearly stating the project ID number and its title to receive tender document or download them via DataCo website under projects and bidding section to submit their bid from the time of advertisement up until twenty (20) working days.

·         All bidders must provide copies of current IPA certificate of incorporation as evidence of complying with company registration laws, copies of tax identification (TIN), consolidated statement of accounts [if applicable], workers insurance certificate, and other necessary supporting documents.

·         A Bank Guarantee specified in the Tender Document made payable to PNG DataCo Limited will be required as a performance security and advance payment against the contract [if applicable].

·         DataCo will not be held liable for any mishandling.

·        With accordance to DataCo’s procurement policy, a request for quotation/proposal shall be made available upon enquiry or put online in company’s website (www.pngdataco.com) which will provide the scope, conditions, and evaluation criteria for each project. 

Click Buttons below to download the respective RFQ: